Who is, what is, where is God?

Have you ever asked this question and not been able to answer it?
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Become a good spirit

Many of us are looking for answers about God, religion and the meaning of life. Some years ago I came to believe that the word "God" is actually referring to the spirit between us all as human beings. This spirit can be good or bad, and I've seen my fair share of both,  but I believe that most of search for the good. 

Believing in this connection between us all, has helped me through the difficulties I've faced in my life and I hope by sharing my story, and talking about my beliefs, you too can feel the good spirit that exists between us all.
Tell me about you...

How it started

Eddy Ankrett - Founder of The Good Spirit Foundation

Eddy’s Story

At the age of 48 I thought life was good, Married, Managing Director of a successful Estate Agency Business, and a wonderful son aged 26. 

Suddenly life spun out of my control when one of my staff (Stephine Slater ) was kidnapped and as Managing Director I felt I had this lovely girls life in my hands. It took 8 days of massive stress and amazingly with the help of the police, she came back alive, BUT psychologically the damage was done to me, worrying about the poor girl not coming back alive. Real stress, where on 3 occasions I could not speak due to the emotion of it all. It then took time to catch Michael Sam’s who also had murdered another girl in Leeds. So of course, I felt I could not carry on with Estate Agency which I loved, and left. Now after all I had been through NO JOB.

Then 6 months later my son, Mark, who had a lifetime struggle with Spina Bifida, suddenly developed a high brain hernia and after a brave fight, died. Wow !!! and now this, how do I cope and how do you deal with losing your 26-year-old love of your life? 
And then if this was not enough, When I opened up all my inner insecurities and exposed the inner me, I then went through a divorce, now finding myself truly alone.

To say the least I went down a real personal black hole and found it so hard to be positive (I had lived my life by the motto “If you believe you can, you can, if you believe you can’t, you can’t“) and I was in a real dark place. 

Time went on and I tried psychoanalysis, counselling, hypnotherapists, etc etc and nothing seemed to help, until one day I met a lady who I think was a Clairvoyant, and she said to me, I can see this good aura all around your head, and I can see there are 2 spirits with you, I of course said don’t be daft, but she said I was a good spirit and they were with me, I assumed it was my son and my mother. I got home and thought…. “Do you know???, it does not matter if I am the only person in the world who believes it and it makes me feel better, then I am going to believe it. And suddenly I found a way of dealing with my dark past, My poor son, and life. From that moment, I felt good to believe that my mom and my son are with me all the time in Spirit and are living life with me.

Then the epiphany happened …….. One night, never remembering any of my dreams. In the middle of the night, I had this white flash and a voice saying “Go tell people, go tell people” I woke up in the morning told my wife, and said “Tell people what???” And then I found my life’s answer to my religious journey. 

I wrote the words below, which is my heart on a piece of paper, and in it I found, It is not religion that is the core of life it is being a Good Spirit, and I now completely believe that the spirit that connects us all, and is with us 24 X 7, is if you want to use the word GOD!!!. I now believe it is just a word, and the true meaning is, each and every persons a “Good Spirit” and that is GOD.

And that is why I have started the Good Spirit Foundation to connect us all, and it is my belief that if we all believed in the Good Spirit, then that is the best foundation to life and would help everyone, be better, act better and just be good. 

Every time you connect with anyone, you will find a spirit connecting you, and that spirit, to use the word everybody uses is GOD.

It is so simple, so pure, and has given a foundation to my life that has given me the biggest answer to the “belief” question of my life. If anyone asks me who is, what is and where is god?? I know, and hopefully this might help you to.   

Eddy Ankrett
73 years of a spiritual journey.

Eddy's interview - sound file

The Spirit of Jesus

The kingdom of God (GOOD) is within you...............

The Simplicity of Good and Bad, Right and Wrong, High and Low, Hot and Cold....

It ís simple to understand and easy to believe Jesus had a good spirit, not bad. And died trying to get that simple belief and message across to people, in some ways because it ís so simple, it is frightening for institutional religions this is not good for their control of the people through fear and discipline. Be good or else.
I have lived for 65 years and have wrestled with this simple issue, and through personal hurt, personal trauma and meeting a special someone, I discovered the simple truth that we are good people with bad possibilities.

I then got my answer, good spirits are God and bad spirits are the Devil. So easy to understand and believe.

The spirit of God is good, and being surrounded by good spirits this attracts good feelings and actions.

The spirit of bad, is not attractive at all and will lead the world and its people to do some bad things. It is as easy to be bad as to be good. But Why?

Lets accept that good can always conquer bad, and if we understand and live by this simple life principal then surely all of life's questions and turmoil will slowly answer itself.

I want to tell people the simplicity of life is simple. 

Be good and attract good spirits, good spirits are around you, you can feel safe, secure and at peace with life and all its questions. 

Believe that God as a good spirit is... with you, and the spirit/energy between everyone you meet. 

Believe that all the good people both living and passed are with you, giving you strength and support and allowing you to do whatever you want, as long as the essence of what you do is GOOD.

I believe that, and want to share it with more and more people...I hope by sharing this with you it helps.

Eddy Ankrett.

What is it?

Founded by Mr Eddy Ankrett, The Good Spirit Foundation is a philosophy that brings meaning to why we are here on this earth and the way we should treat each other as a result. 


Time is precious, but do you have enough time to be good to other people?


Help each other to understand the meaning of God


Love is the greatest thing. We share our love between each other, this is the essence of our Good Spirit. 


With meaning, love and understanding we grow as individuals. Growing to do good is the purpose of the Good Spirit Foundation.
“This approach to understanding the world we live in helps us all become better people without the threat of hellfire and damnation!.”
Jane Philips, Birmingham
“Thinking of God as an old man with a big white beard just doesn't sit right with me. This theory of Good Spirit's resonates with my beliefs and suits my way of thinking.”
John Thatcher, Wales
“When I first heard Eddy's story it suprised me to hear, I had no idea the journey he's been on. The Good Spirit Foundation is built on a sound and good basis and I like it..”
Emily Bridges, London

Contact Me

I'd love to hear from you. Tell me about your Good Spirit.

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